Thursday, March 24, 2011

Memior Poem

In 1992  I was born.
1993 A year and 3 months later so was my sister.
1994 9 months after that my mom was married.
1995 A year after that my brother was born.

A month later I started kindergarten.
I learned how to count and tie my shoes.
Then came first grade that was terrible always getting into trouble.
What was more terrible was repeating first grade.
The move to Dayton was hot and horrible.
 2nd grade came and no repeats there.
 3rd, 4th and 5th went by like nothing.

Then 6th grade full of klutzyness and crutches.
The change from elementary to Middle was a big step.
7th and 8th grade year was a blur.
Moving to Saco, moms divorce. 
9th and 10th were just plain hard.
11th even harder.
Now colleges, financial aid, jobs.

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