Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1 one my list of ten experiences

Camp Keive
Camp Keive is a camp for kids to learn stuff about nature and about themselves. I went in 6th grade. Actually I went with my 6th grade class. Camp Keive is something that the 6th graders had done for years. It was when the 6th grade class was still in Dayton Elementary school. We were the last class that was able to go so we all felt privileged. I don't remember where is was, but it took a while and we were far from home. We had to take a school bus. It wasn't comfortable especially with 30 kids and 2 teachers and 32 to bags of luggage that was sliding everywhere. We stayed from Monday to Thursday. when we got there I thought it was going to be just like any other camp, playing games, swimming and other activities. It wasn't. It was in the woods protected by large trees with pathways going everywhere. We did all sorts of things hikes, played games where we actually learned things. But the best part was the rope exercises. We would harness up and climb up a tree. I don't remember the heights but there was two at different heights. I did the highest one and it scared the crap out of me. we had to cross a wire that was attached to 2 trees. We had to hold on to other wires for balance. When you looked at it from the tree it looked like a triangle. I barley made it up the tree trunk. Which was hard in its self because I'm weakling it was hard to climb. When I made it the wire I was freaking out I only made it halfway through the wire. But I climbed a tree and walked on a wire that was pretty far off the ground so I was proud of myself. That was on Tuesday. The rest of the time we did exercises to learn more about ourselves. At the end we had a dance with everyone. My best memory of that place would be when I tripped over a root and twisted my ankle. I told everyone I was fine because I didn't want to go home so I limped for 2 days. It was swollen and different colors but I dealt with it because I was having fun and I had been looking forward to the trip. Turns out that I broke it and my mother wasn't impressed that I didn't tell anyone but I made it. Most of my class mates wouldn't let me live it down. I was the klutz of the 6th grade class for a while. And to make things more interesting than they all ready where the Monday after we came back our class was going to the Boston and I had to go in a wheelchair.

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