Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Memory

My first memory was when I was 7 and my family and I moved to Dayton. It was summer and we had to stay in a camper only for a few days because my grandparents were slow on the moving. I think they did that on purpose, to get a laugh, they thought it was hilarious. The first day we actually got to stayed in the house was hectic. There were boxes everywhere and every 5 minutes I would trip on something, it was always me never any one else. The worst part would be the fact that it seemed like the hottest day of that summer. I was mad and happy at the same time. Mad that we had to move again and happy that we didn't have to live around people. The nearest neighbors were like half a mile away we could yell and scream but no would be able to hear us. It was fun.

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