Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In Like A Child

2007 I entered high school. It was not fun and exciting. I almost threw up. Going into high school I was this 14 year old quiet girl sitting in the corner. Now 4 years later I'm a 18 year old quiet girl sitting in the corner who occasionally gets up and gets loud. Ocasionally!

When I was 14 and entering high school I was literally the quiet girl sitting in the corner. I didn't like it but I'm not the "out there" kind of person. I didn't join in on anything the first 2 years of high school. I woke up, went to school, did homework and went to bed and repeated that everyday. It seemed so much easier than putting myself out there and interacting with people when I didn't have to.

Now I'm 18 and I get out sometimes and I participate more. I'm not sure what happened, I think it was that I became best friends with the MOST obnoxious, loudest, hyper, crazy girl known to man that pushed me out of the corner or that I realized that sitting in the corner wasn't helping me.
to me I don't think I changed that much. But to my mother I have changed a lot and reminds me everyday.

I would like to say that I changed on my own realizing I was boring person and wanted to change, but I can't. Tiffany Clemens. The loudest, obnoxious, crazy, hyper person known to man. Ever. Who is also my best friend. She made me not so boring and not so quiet. She pushed me and sometimes I hate her for it but when it comes down to it I owe her I would be the girl who skated through high school without ever really doing anything.

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