Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Sense of Place

I didn’t really need to think about a place on campus that meant something to me. The minute I read the paper I knew exactly what I was going to write about. I don’t really remember freshman year and sophomore year was boring, slow and to be honest I don’t remember much from that year either. It was all a blur of homework and test. Junior year was my favorite and the only one I remember most of. I didn’t have any hard classes like Spanish which I had freshman and sophomore year. I didn’t have any hard teachers and all my classes were fun and easy. But the best out of the entire year was Algebra 2 with Mrs. Rousseau.

I’m not a math person. I hate it with a passion and I am not really good at it. I grew up in Dayton and they didn’t really teach us any math so when I got to higher grades all my math teachers didn’t understand that I didn’t understand any of it. But Mrs. Rousseau did. The best thing was that there wasn’t any projects or essays that we had to do. Just homework and tests. Which wasn’t that hard. But I was actually could not wait to have math class. I looked forward to it and I never looked forward to math. By the end of third block I was actually excited to go to class. Thinking back now the science wing is my favorite place. I had most of my good classes and it’s closer to the cafe.

But the thing I remember most out of 4 years and lots of memories was that I could be myself. I could talk in front of everyone and I could talk to the teacher, I wasn’t afraid to mess up. I like being able to participate in class and know that I knew what I was talking about. The other classes the teachers just taught, but this class the entire class talked about everything. Sometimes I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and I was crying. We spent half the class talking about everyone’s day and the other half going over the homework.

To make things better Sarah Hoodlette and Tiffany Clemens, two of my best friends, were in that class with me. We were always talking and having fun. We never got anything accomplished in class besides the weekend plans. Which never involved the math homework. We worked on everything together which got us in trouble because we never really got anything done. And we talked a lot. Besides the class was the last block and having math first or last block is bad it is either to way early or you just want to go home and focusing on the equation to figure out the radius of a circle was out of the question.

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