Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Lesson Learned

I have learned a lot in the past 4 years like: how to graph hard equations or write a better essay, use stickies when reading a book in English will help a ton when it comes to writing the essays. I have also learned stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with reading or writing essays or math equations like: never walk up or down the stairs and text at the same time, when walking between a row of desks watch out for backpack straps they like to sneak up on you when your not looking, movie time doesn’t equal nap time movie material sometimes it becomes test material, cramming never works.

4 years of high school and I learned a lot. Some of it I won’t ever use again and some it will be useful for a long time. The one major lesson I learned I didn’t really learn from a teacher or a class. Or learning to do something. It is that being the quiet girl in the corner won’t get me as far. Sitting in a corner instead of joining will hold me back. That being the quiet girl in the corner is what I’ll always be if I don’t participate.

In 4 years I never joined anything except chorus but that was for a credit to graduate. I never participated in sports, groups or sometimes in class. I didn’t even want to go to any of the dances Homecoming, Winter carnival even prom because dancing and being loud isn’t who I am. I kept thinking to myself that I would join next year that, that would be better and when the next year came around I came up with an excuse to get myself out of what I promised the year before. I figured if I sit in the corner and don’t move that the year would go by and the 4 years would go by fast but I was wrong. I do regret not doing anything.

A lesson I learned during my 4 years of high school was that being the quiet girl in the corner made me boring and predictable. It made me a safe person.

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