Thursday, June 2, 2011

This I Believe......

I will be the first person to admit that I don’t like change. I really hate it, at the same time I know that change can be a good thing. I am a simple person. I like when things are predictable and constant. Change is scary and the point of change is not knowing what is going to happen and I don’t like that. I know that things can not stay the same forever, but when you get used to something it is hard to let go. Like going to college in the fall, I have spent the last 4 years going to the same place, doing the same things and seeing the same people.

My life changed at the end of freshman year. My family and I moved in with my Aunt because my mom was getting a divorce from her husband, my brother and sisters father. We stayed there around 7 months. Then we moved to Saco. When you depend on someone for most of your life you kind of get used to it so when we moved and my sister, brother and me only had my mother it is different. To change from one parent to 2 was weird. And moving to Saco. I spent much of my young life in Dayton, where you had to drive to get places the nearest store was 20 minutes away instead of 5 and having neighbors. None of us liked moving and changing everything, but we got over as soon as we realized that everything that happened was worth it and a good thing for all of us. And now I am going to college on my own and having to change almost everything is a change that may be worth it in the end but from the beginning point I am not really liking it much.

I believe in change even though I do not like it. I am not entirely sure that makes any sense to anyone but to me change is what made my life what it is today. Not liking change and appreciating the impact that it causes is a paradox, but that’s me. If I were not moving and living with one parent I can guarantee you that I would not be going to an amazing college next fall, I would be a miserable human being, and I would not have the relationship that I have with my family that I have now.

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