Thursday, February 17, 2011

When you knew Glory

The one moment I can remember would have to be 6th grade. Mr. Harris's class. We had a spelling bee with both 6th grade classes. it was about 30 students. I wasn't really nervous because I thought I had no chance of winning so I really didn't care. I got the first word right than the second, third until there was 2 people left. Another girl and Me. It lasted for about 20 minutes. By then I was a little bit nervous because everyone was staring. The last word I had to spell was condiments. I lost. But I was proud of myself little did I know it would get better. My teacher had to send 2 people to the bigger spelling bee. the other girl and Me. I was in second place, but I didn't care. The next spelling bee was held at Saco Middle School in the library. I was extremely nervous. This was different then with the people that I knew. It was hard to focus, new people, new place. 2 hours later after almost running away or almost getting sick I won. I don't know how but I did. I was really proud of myself and I felt accomplished. I had never won anything up until then, it felt good.

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