Thursday, February 17, 2011

6 word memiors

Peas in a pod Not anymore.

Running into walls Slipping on ice

My life One circle of boring

Doesn't need to be cold anymore

Tired, I want summer to come

I feel like playing jump rope

10 experiances I would write about

1. 8th grade promotion
2. First day of Freshman year
3. Camp Keive
4. Boston- wheelchair
5. Moving to Saco
6. Getting accepted into college
7. First Job
8. New York
9. Six flags
10. Driving

Dialectical journal

Quote/page#- Page 208 " In 25 years, I told myself, I'd be as old as she was now. I had no idea what my life would be like then, but as I gathered my schoolbooks and walked out the door, I swore to myself that  it would never be like mom's that I would not be crying my eyed out in an unheated shack in some godforsaken holler."
Response- I think this is significant because she is able to be around her parents and realize that it's not a good life. Because she wants to be different even though she was raised the way that she was. Even though her life could be total wreck in 25 years she was determined not to become her mother.

Observation- Mom buying "extravagent" things to feel rich - Page 197
By working on the wave Jeannette gets the whole story and not just what her parents think or their perspective - Page 205

Funny Moment- When Jeannette makes her own braces. It's a funny thing to imagine.

Favorite meal

I'm Addicted to Mac + Cheese. To me it's amazing it's like eating heaven. Shells + Cheese, Kraft it really doesn't matter. I love it. I could eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. Probably what I'll be living off of in the future. But I would have to say that my all time favorite is my grandfather's homemade Mac + Cheese. The last time I ate it was a couple months ago. It's smells amazing. The melted cheese. I'm always told to wait a few minutes for it to cool down, but I don't and I burn my tongue and the roof of my mouth. I usually complain later. I always beat my family to the counter and then I beat them for seconds and sometimes thirds depending on generous I feel in sharing it with others.

Keeps you awake at night

COLLEGE. The thought of be by myself and having to do everything alone like laundry and eat scares the crap out of. An I'll be honest I'm a momma's girl. I don't think I could make it. She helps me with everything. And the thought off doing it on my own keeps me awake at night. Like laundry, working and doing homework and other stuff. I get all panicky and sweaty usually around the thought off doing my laundry. Then I feel like the room is getting smaller and then it just feels like I'm sitting on the sun. Then I sit there and tell myself I can and I force myself to think about something else. Which it usually ends up being the homework that I didn't do and I try to avoid that subject.

When you knew Glory

The one moment I can remember would have to be 6th grade. Mr. Harris's class. We had a spelling bee with both 6th grade classes. it was about 30 students. I wasn't really nervous because I thought I had no chance of winning so I really didn't care. I got the first word right than the second, third until there was 2 people left. Another girl and Me. It lasted for about 20 minutes. By then I was a little bit nervous because everyone was staring. The last word I had to spell was condiments. I lost. But I was proud of myself little did I know it would get better. My teacher had to send 2 people to the bigger spelling bee. the other girl and Me. I was in second place, but I didn't care. The next spelling bee was held at Saco Middle School in the library. I was extremely nervous. This was different then with the people that I knew. It was hard to focus, new people, new place. 2 hours later after almost running away or almost getting sick I won. I don't know how but I did. I was really proud of myself and I felt accomplished. I had never won anything up until then, it felt good.