Friday, January 28, 2011

significant quote, favorite scene, observation of The Glass Castle

A significant quite from last nights reading would be from page 28 "Mom never seemed upset about Mary Charlene's death. "God knows what He's doing" she said. "He gave me some perfect children, but He also gave me one that wasn't so perfect, so He said, 'Oops I better take this one back'." I think is significant because she sounds like she doesn't care what happens. That she hasn't fully grown up yet.
My favorite scene from last nights reading would be when Jeannette and her mother are in the restaurant and her mother tells Jeannette that her values are confused from page 5 "I'm fine. You're the one who needs help. Your values are all confused."  It's my favorite scene because the mother is homeless and she is the one that is saying this to her daughter who has money and living in a good home.
An observation from last nights reading is that Jeannette's parents seem to be immature and they don't seem to have the kids best interest sometimes. When Jeannette was cooking hot dogs at the age of 3 and her mother was of painting.  When Jeannette's father took her out of he hospital just because he doesn't like doctors when she needed them and when Brian hit his head and they decided not to take him to the hospital.